advanced SERP Features

Maximizing Your Dealership’s Online Presence: Advanced SERP Features (Part 2)

advanced SERP Features

Advanced SERP Features can help you gain valuable traffic to your website. In the first part of our series, we explored several key SERP (Search Engine Results Page) features and how lawn mower and tractor dealers can optimize their online presence to appear in these valuable spots. We covered:

  1. SERP Features Overview: Understanding what SERP features are and their importance in digital marketing.
  2. Featured Snippets: Tips on how to optimize content to appear in these prime search positions.
  3. Local Pack: Strategies to enhance local visibility through Google My Business and local SEO.
  4. Reviews: The role of customer reviews in building trust and improving rankings.
  5. Sitelinks: How to structure your website to increase the chances of gaining sitelinks.

If you missed Part 1, Read it here. Now, let’s delve into more advanced SERP features that can further boost your dealership’s online visibility and engagement.

Video Results

Video content is a powerful tool for engaging your audience and enhancing your online presence. Videos often appear in dedicated sections of search results, increasing the likelihood of capturing user attention.

Best Practices for Creating Video Content

Product Demos

  • Showcase Key Features: Highlight the unique features and benefits of your lawn mowers and tractors.
  • Clear Explanations: Provide clear, concise explanations to help customers understand the product’s value.

Maintenance Tips and How-To Guides

  • Practical and Useful Content: Offer maintenance tips and how-to guides to help customers maintain and operate their equipment effectively.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Use step-by-step instructions to make the content easy to follow.

Customer Testimonials

  • Authentic Feedback: Feature satisfied customers sharing their experiences to build trust.
  • Detailed Testimonials: Encourage customers to discuss specific aspects they appreciated.

Learn more about the importance of customer reviews here.

Optimizing Video Content for SEO

Descriptive Titles and Descriptions

  • Keyword-Rich Titles: Use relevant keywords in titles to improve discoverability.
  • Comprehensive Descriptions: Provide detailed descriptions that include keywords and links to related content.

Use of Relevant Tags and Keywords

  • Appropriate Tags: Use a mix of broad and specific tags related to your video’s content.
  • Keyword Research: Identify and use keywords that your target audience searches for.

Hosting Videos on YouTube and Embedding Them on Your Website

  • Leverage YouTube’s Reach: Host videos on YouTube to take advantage of its vast audience and search engine power.
  • Embed Videos: Embed YouTube videos on your website to enhance user experience and increase engagement.

Carousel Results

Carousel results are horizontal scrolling lists of rich content such as images, videos, or blog post previews that appear in search results. They are highly engaging and can significantly increase visibility.

Types of Content Suitable for Carousel Results

Product Images

  • High-Quality Photos: Use high-quality images to showcase your products attractively.
  • Detailed Captions: Include informative captions with keywords.

Video Thumbnails

  • Engaging Thumbnails: Create eye-catching thumbnails for your videos.
  • Relevant Titles: Ensure titles accurately describe the content.

Blog Post Previews

  • Compelling Titles: Use compelling titles to draw attention.
  • Snippet Optimization: Optimize the first few lines of your blog posts to appear in previews.

Strategies to Optimize for Carousel Inclusion

  • Structured Data Markup: Use schema markup to help search engines understand your content.
  • Consistent Updates: Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant.
  • Focus on Visual Content: Prioritize high-quality visual content that is likely to be included in carousels.

Top Stories

Top Stories are a feature in search results that highlight recent news articles and blog posts. Appearing in this section can drive significant traffic to your site.

How to Create Newsworthy Content

Industry News and Updates

  • Timely Information: Share the latest news and updates related to the lawn mower and tractor industry.
  • Expert Insights: Provide expert opinions and analysis.

Press Releases

  • Official Announcements: Use press releases for official announcements about your business.
  • SEO Optimization: Optimize press releases for relevant keywords. Learn more about how to perform local keyword research here.

Community Involvement and Events

  • Local Events: Highlight your involvement in local community events and activities.
  • Engaging Stories: Share stories that resonate with your audience.

Optimizing Content for Google News

  • Google News Inclusion: Apply to have your site included in Google News.
  • High-Quality Journalism: Ensure your content meets Google News standards for high-quality journalism.

People Also Ask

The “People Also Ask” (PAA) feature displays a list of related questions in search results. Providing answers to these questions can enhance your visibility.

How to Identify Common Questions in Your Industry

  • Keyword Research Tools: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Google’s autocomplete to find common questions.
  • Customer Feedback: Review customer inquiries and feedback for common questions.

Creating Content that Answers These Questions

FAQ Pages

  • Comprehensive FAQs: Create detailed FAQ pages addressing common customer questions.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly update your FAQ pages to reflect new questions.

Blog Posts Targeting Specific Queries

  • In-Depth Posts: Write in-depth blog posts that answer specific questions.
  • Keyword Optimization: Optimize posts for relevant keywords.


Images are a critical component of SEO, helping to drive traffic and enhance user engagement.

Best Practices for Optimizing Images

Use of Descriptive Filenames and Alt Text

  • Descriptive Filenames: Use filenames that describe the image content.
  • Alt Text: Provide detailed alt text for each image to improve accessibility and SEO.

Image Sitemaps

  • Submit Image Sitemaps: Create and submit image sitemaps to help search engines index your images.

Compressing Images for Fast Loading Times

  • Optimize File Sizes: Compress images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality.
  • Fast Loading Times: Ensure images load quickly to improve user experience and SEO.

Looking Ahead: Preparing for More Advanced SERP Features

In this second part of our series, we explored advanced SERP features like video results, carousel results, top stories, people also ask, and image optimization. These strategies can help lawn mower and tractor dealers enhance their online visibility and drive more traffic to their websites. Stay tuned for Part 3, where we will discuss the Knowledge Graph, Knowledge Card, social media integration, “See Results About,” and “Find Results On” SERP features.

If you need help implementing any of these strategies, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Customer Experience: Building Loyalty in Turbulent Times

customer experience

With so much uncertainty in the world today, one thing customers should be able to rely on is a consistent customer experience. This should extend to every part of your brand including browsing online and in person, making purchases, customer service, returns, maintenance and service and more. When customers associate your brand with an experience that is predictable and always positive, they are more likely to become a repeat customer.

The Magic of Repetition

Providing a consistent customer experience and gaining the attention of would-be customers in such a fast-paced world with an overabundance of options can be challenging. According to recent research by Microsoft, 8 Seconds is the amount of time you have to make an impression on a customer. Customers in today’s world are seasoned multi-taskers, moving from smartphone to tablet to laptop up to 21 times in an hour. Because of this, marketers (and dealerships) must compete for attention in an environment where there is a limited ability to focus.

Limited resources and/or track record compared to well-known and well-funded brands make it difficult to be in the right place at the right time when these impromptu opportunities are happening 24/7/365.

How to Be Consistent

Strategy: Focus your efforts only on the most timely and meaningful conversations that your customers, clients and fans participate in. Pick the ones that give you the biggest bang for your time and money and plan them out on a timeline that gives you consistent activity with few inactive periods. Consistency doesn’t make headlines often, because it is simply doing what needs to be done, over and over again. Stay the course and you will see results and achieve your goals.

Automation: Marketing automation guarantees delivery at specific points in the customer’s journey. All buyer journeys need to be actively managed and nurtured consistently. A buyer or customer’s journey is the path the customer takes as they move through the marketing funnel – starting with awareness. By implementing an automated strategy to reach customers at the right time in their buyer’s journey, you can convert more potential clients into cold, hard cash. DealerAmp, can help you automate emails and other interactions along the buyer’s journey.

Brand/Content: You want to be consistently recognizable across screens and mediums. Appearance reflects a variety of important clues about your dealership. Books aren’t the only ones getting judged by their cover! Wherever your audience finds you, quality, consistent visually aesthetic and experience across screens provides continuity, makes you instantly identifiable, more memorable and builds trust and confidence that your dealership will deliver on its claims. Most of all, it reduces the buyer’s need to second guess, delay or click over to a competitor.

Accessibility: The digital revolution has made it inexcusable to be inaccessible. Your dealership must be available to create a sense of trust during those moments when desire and decisions intersect, in order to convert more sales. A chatbot, like what DealerAmp offers can host all of your conversations across many marketing channels in one place. You can be certain you won’t miss a beat when a buyer has a question or needs assistance.

Patience & Flexibility: Building a brand takes a lot of time, effort, and commitment. Keep a strong commitment to work your plan through all the peaks and valleys. There aren’t any silver bullets to move you from unknown to well-known without a solid foundation of building habit. Staying aware of feedback and troubleshooting as you go in the short term will allow you to steer your ship, overcome learning curves and gain traction with your target audience.

Consistency has a huge impact on business growth when employed regularly over the long term as it builds credibility, presence and a track record that will begin to position your dealership everywhere your buyer’s desire strikes.

Demonstrating Compassion

In these challenging times, it is crucial for brands to empathize with their customers and provide them with a sense of support and understanding. By implementing customer-centric policies your dealership can show compassion and build strong relationships with your clientele.

One industry that has set a positive example of compassion is the airline industry. By actively listening to customer feedback, airlines have made strategic changes to prioritize the well-being and convenience of their passengers. These actions can serve as inspiration for businesses in other sectors.

One notable practice is the waiver of flight change fees. Airlines have recognized the unpredictability of travel plans during the pandemic and have chosen to eliminate or reduce these fees. This empathetic approach allows customers the flexibility to adjust their travel arrangements without the added burden of financial penalties.

Airlines have prioritized safety by implementing stringent cleaning procedures. They understand that ensuring a safe environment for travelers is paramount. By taking proactive steps to sanitize aircraft and airport facilities, airlines have demonstrated their commitment to customer well-being.

Reducing booking capacity is another compassionate measure taken by airlines. This practice allows for increased physical distancing and provides passengers with a sense of comfort and security during their journey.

By observing the airline industry’s approach, businesses can adopt similar policies to ease the concerns of their customers. For instance, enacting new safety protocols, such as enhanced cleaning measures and the provision of personal protective equipment, can instill confidence in customers when visiting physical locations.

Offering satisfaction guarantees, additional warranties and hassle-free returns provides customers with assurance and peace of mind. This approach acknowledges that individuals may face unexpected challenges and need flexibility in their purchasing decisions. By eliminating barriers to returns and exchanges, dealerships can show understanding and support their customers in difficult times.

Displaying compassion through customer-centric policies is essential in turbulent times. Dealerships can implement strategies that prioritize customer well-being, flexibility, and convenience. By doing so, they not only build loyalty but also foster a sense of trust and empathy, creating long-lasting connections with their valued customers.

Building Trust Through Open Communication

New information and updates emerge daily, making it crucial for dealerships to maintain clear and frequent communication with their customers. By proactively sharing relevant and timely information, lawnmower dealerships can ease uncertainties and build trust with their potential clients.

Proactive Communication

Utilize Email Newsletters: Send regular newsletters to your customer base, providing updates on product availability, new offerings, and any changes in services or policies. Ensure the content is informative, engaging, and personalized to their needs.

Social Media Updates: Leverage social media platforms to share important announcements, safety measures, and upcoming promotions. Engage with customers by addressing their concerns and questions promptly, fostering a sense of community and transparency.

Website Updates: Holiday Hours, Special Promotions and any other changes should be front and center on your website. By ensuring consistent information across all channels, you foster trust and credibility with your potential customers.

Blog Posts and Articles: Create informative blog posts and articles that address common customer concerns, offer tips for maintenance, and highlight any special offers. Share these resources on your website and social media channels.

Responsiveness and Availability

Prompt Email Responses: Ensure timely responses to customer inquiries and emails, demonstrating your commitment to excellent customer service. Aim to reply within 24 hours or sooner, even if it’s to acknowledge receipt and provide an estimated response time.

Live Chat Support: Implement a live chat feature on your website to provide immediate assistance to customers. Train your team to handle inquiries efficiently and professionally, offering real-time solutions and guidance.

Dedicated Customer Support Hotline: Set up a dedicated phone line for customer support, staffed with knowledgeable representatives who can address concerns, provide information, and offer guidance. Clearly communicate the availability and operating hours of this service.

Social Media Engagement: Monitor your social media channels closely and promptly respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions. Acknowledge feedback, answer questions, and address any issues raised by customers.

Transparent and Up-to-Date Information

Collaborate with Local Authorities: Stay informed about local regulations and guidelines related to your dealership operations. Regularly update your customers about any changes or adaptations you make to align with safety protocols.

CDC and Industry Updates: Stay abreast of the latest recommendations from the CDC and relevant industry associations. Share important updates with your customers, highlighting any adjustments you are making to prioritize their safety.

Website Notifications and Alerts: Use pop-up notifications or banners on your website to communicate important updates or changes in services. Ensure the information is concise, easy to understand, and prominently displayed.

Consistent and informative communication builds trust, reduces uncertainties, and positions your dealership as a reliable and customer-centric resource during these turbulent times.

Optimizing Your Digital Channels

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly accelerated the adoption of e-commerce, with online retail experiencing a surge in both customer numbers and purchase frequency. This shift towards online shopping is expected to continue, making it crucial for businesses to optimize their digital channels to meet customer expectations.

User-Friendly Website Design

Streamlined Navigation: Ensure your website’s navigation is intuitive, with clear categorization and easy-to-find product pages. Simplify the browsing experience for customers, allowing them to quickly find what they’re looking for.

Mobile Responsiveness: With a growing number of customers accessing websites via mobile devices, it is essential to have a mobile-responsive design. Optimize your website to provide a seamless experience across various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Fast Loading Speed: Slow-loading pages can lead to frustration and cart abandonment. Invest in optimizing your website’s loading speed to ensure a smooth and efficient browsing experience for your customers.

Clear Financing & Promotion Terms

Financing: Many customers turn to financing for large purchases, and an economic downturn may mean more customers need assistance in purchasing a lawnmower. Keep Financing offers up to date with clear requirements and if possible, have the credit application available so that potential buyers can get pre-approved for your dealership financing offers, and arrive confident in their budget and ready to buy. Making this process as painless as possible is key to converting sales.

Promotions: Many manufacturers have factory promotions readily available. Keep the offers up to date with clear and concise information. Keeping costs down as much as possible will allow more buyer’s to purchase.

Enhanced Customer Support

Live Chat Assistance: Implement a live chat feature on your website to provide real-time assistance to customers during their shopping journey. Live chat enables quick resolution of inquiries, boosts customer satisfaction, and increases the likelihood of completing a purchase.

Responsive Email Support: Ensure that customer inquiries sent through email are promptly answered. Set clear expectations regarding response times and provide informative and personalized responses to address customer concerns effectively.

Social Media Engagement: Actively monitor your social media channels for customer inquiries and comments. Respond promptly, offer assistance, and address any issues raised. Engaging with customers on social media platforms fosters a sense of connection and builds trust.

DealerAmp, our automated marketing platform, allows you to view messages across email, Facebook and other digital media channels in one place. Ensuring you never miss an inquiry. Manage every facet of your marketing, in one easy to use, designed specifically for lawnmower and tractor dealerships, platform. Schedule a Demo today!

Continuous Website Testing and Optimization

Regularly Conduct Usability Testing: Periodically evaluate your website’s usability and functionality through user testing. Identify any pain points, glitches, or areas that need improvement and take appropriate measures to enhance the customer experience.

Monitor and Analyze User Behavior: Utilize analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior on your website. Analyze metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rates to identify areas for improvement and optimize customer journeys.

By prioritizing the optimization of your digital channels, lawnmower dealerships can deliver seamless online experiences that meet customer expectations. A user-friendly website, clear financing and promotional terms, responsive customer support, and continuous optimization efforts will help retain customers and drive growth in the evolving e-commerce landscape.

Embracing the Digital Shift: Ensuring a Seamless Customer Experience

Adapting to the changing landscape brought about by the pandemic is crucial for lawnmower dealerships to thrive in the digital era. As e-commerce continues to grow at an accelerated pace, optimizing digital channels becomes paramount to meet customer expectations and foster long-lasting relationships.

By embracing user-friendly website design, providing responsive customer support, and continuously testing and optimizing online experiences, lawnmower dealerships can create seamless digital journeys that keep customers engaged and satisfied. The shift to e-commerce presents an opportunity to meet customers on their preferred channels, offering the same, if not better, quality of experience they enjoyed in the pre-pandemic era.

As the world navigates through these uncertain times, prioritizing the optimization of digital channels is no longer an option but a necessity. Lawnmower dealerships that invest in delivering an exceptional customer experience will not only stay ahead of the competition but also build customer loyalty, driving growth in an evolving digital landscape.

It’s time to embrace the digital shift, refine your online presence, and provide the outstanding service that customers expect and deserve. By staying attuned to their needs and delivering a seamless customer experience, lawnmower dealerships can forge lasting connections, thrive in turbulent times, and position themselves for success in the future.